How to deworm pig farms effectively and reasonably?

Recently, Veyong Pharmal’s technical service personnel conducted a survey on the prevalence of parasites during a market visit and found that the current status of parasite control in pig farms is worrying. Although most pig farms have recognized the dangers of parasites and are taking corresponding prevention and control measures, there are still many practitioners who do not perform terminal deworming work well.

Many pig farms are negligent in key aspects of parasite prevention and control, mainly due to the fact that the clinical symptoms of parasites are not obvious, the mortality rate is low, and pig farm managers do not pay enough attention. The harm of parasites is very hidden, but it will have a serious impact on the reproductive performance of sows, reduce the growth rate of fattening pigs, and reduce feed utilization, which will virtually lead to an increase in pig breeding costs and a reduction in breeding profits. Therefore, it is particularly important to do a good job of deworming.


It is recommended that the whole team maintain a high degree of unity, establish the concept of insect repellent, and increase the awareness of danger. In terms of deworming strategies, it is recommended to use “three-dimensional deworming” as a guide, based on the current situation of the parasite living environment in pig farms, with pigs as the core, extending outward to the small environment of the pig house, and finally to the larger environment of the pig farm.

01 Pig body deworming: implement 4+2 deworming mode

During the deworming process, many farmers will fall into a misunderstanding: only when parasites are found will deworming be carried out, and when deworming is found to be dead, it will be considered effective. In fact, this is not the case. Take roundworms as an example: roundworm eggs develop in the outside world for about 35 days and become infectious eggs. After being swallowed by pigs, they enter the liver, lungs and other organs, causing symptoms such as milky liver spots and pneumonia. When parasites are found in pig feces, the parasites have been growing in the body for 5-10 weeks, during which time they have caused great harm to the pigs. Therefore, it is necessary to deworm regularly and uniformly, follow the growth and development laws of parasites, implement the 4+2 deworming model, and choose deworming drugs reasonably. It is recommended that breeding pigs be dewormed 4 times a year and fattening pigs 2 times a year. At the same time, anthelmintic drugs are selected according to the pig herd’s own conditions.


02 Pig house deworming: External spraying cuts off the spread of parasites in small environments centered on pigs

The pig house environment is complex and changeable, and it is easy to breed various pests and parasites, such as ticks and scabies mites. In addition to absorbing nutrients from the body, these external parasites also produce a large amount of toxins through their own reproduction and metabolism. It irritates the skin of pigs and causes itching symptoms. At the same time, they are secondary infected with a variety of infectious diseases and affect the growth performance of pigs. Therefore, we can use 12.5% Amitraz solution for spraying outside the body and in small environments to effectively kill parasites in the small environment and on the pig body surface.

Pigs should be rinsed clean before spraying and deworming on the body surface, and can only be carried out after the pig body surface is dry. The spray should be even and comprehensive, so that all parts of the pig’s body (especially the auricles, lower abdomen, ankles and other hidden parts) can be exposed to the liquid.

03 Pig farm deworming: Environmental disinfection cuts off the spread of parasites in the entire pig farm environment

Scientific deworming methods must take into account the eggs in the general environment, which is also the starting point of every deworming work. After deworming, the pig houses and pig farms must be strictly washed and disinfected.

The feces collected within 10 days of deworming work are collected and fermented outside the site, and biological heat is used to kill eggs and larvae. Disinfectant solutions such as povidone iodine solution are then used to disinfect the environment and cut off the transmission routes of parasites.


Parasites exist in the above three dimensions. If any link is not done properly, it will become a new source of infection, causing all previous efforts to be wasted. Pig farms must establish an effective biosecurity system to reduce the chance of parasitic diseases in pig farms!


Post time: Sep-21-2023