The point of Raising chickens is keeping guts healthy

The point of Raising chickens is keeping guts healthy, which reflects the importance of gut health to the body.

Intestinal diseases are the most common diseases in poultry. Due to the complex disease and mixed infection, these diseases can cause poultry death or affect normal growth. Poultry farms suffer heavy economic losses every year due to the occurrence of Intestinal diseases. Therefore, gut health has become the top priority for chicken farmers.

feed additive for poultry

The level of gut health determines the body’s ability to digest feed and absorb nutrients. The feed digestion and absorption rate is high, and the feed-to-egg ratio of chickens is low, which can effectively reduce the feed cost and improve the breeding efficiency.

The digestive system of poultry is simple, the digestive tract is short, and the ratio of body length to the length of the digestive tract is about 1:4. The length of the intestines of ducks and geese is about 4 to 5 times the body length, while that of cattle is 20 times. Therefore, the feed passes through the digestive tract of poultry faster, and the digestion and absorption are incomplete, and the food eaten can be excreted in about 4 to 5 hours.

Therefore, improving the absorption capacity of the intestinal tract and increasing the residence time of food in the intestinal tract have become the key elements for good absorption. There are many annular folds and tiny villi on the surface of the intestinal mucosa. The annular folds and intestinal villi enlarge the surface area of the small intestine by 20 to 30 times, effectively enhancing the absorption function of the small intestine.

poultry booster

As the main place for the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body, the intestine is also the body’s first line of defense against external pathogenic microorganisms, so the importance of the intestine is self-evident.

feed additive

The mixed feed additive can quickly repair the function of the gastrointestinal mucosa, promote the growth of intestinal villi, and reduce the feed-to-egg ratio, thereby realizing the value of raising two batches of laying hens/ducks and creating three batches; and can kill pathogenic bacteria through physical processes in the intestines , remove senescent cells in the body, purify toxins and repair damaged tissues, speed up metabolism, and improve sub-health state; through effective nutrient screening, promote nutrient absorption and utilization. Strongly promotes nutrient absorption, improves meat quality of broilers/ducks, improves eggshell quality of laying hens/ducks and increases egg production rate through nutritional screening and adaptation.

Post time: Feb-16-2022